Richland Center Free Methodist Church

Uncover timeless biblical insights with the Richland Center Free Methodist Church Podcast. Each week, journey through scripture with Sunday sermons by Pastor Tim Ward and guests, reflecting our enduring mission to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples.

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Ready-Mix Gods

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Many people today seek instant gratification in spirituality by turning to self-proclaimed gurus and trendy, off-the-shelf, pick-and-choose beliefs, preferring the ease of ready-made answers over the challenge of deep, genuine faith. This modern "Ready-Mix Gods" phenomenon reflects our culture's short-sightedness and desire for immediate satisfaction, often at the expense of true spiritual growth and understanding. 
A quick glance at history shows how ineffective and disastrous this can be. The Israelites, who in their impatience demanded a golden calf when Moses took too long on Mount Sinai, nearly brought about their own destruction with their actions. Let us learn from the past and commit to seeking authentic, enduring spirituality that fosters real growth and deeper understanding.
Recorded July 2, 2024Scripture: Exodus 32: 1-10Message by Pastor Tim Ward

When God Seems Silent

Sunday May 26, 2024

Sunday May 26, 2024

In today's fast-paced world, impatience often leads us to seek quick fixes and instant gratification. Much like the Israelites in Exodus 32, who created a golden calf while waiting for Moses, we turn to materialism and superficial successes for immediate satisfaction. These modern idols promise quick relief but bring deeper unrest.
Moses' fury upon seeing the idolatry and his breaking of the tablets symbolize the moment of reckoning we face when our illusions shatter. This highlights the importance of patience and steadfastness. In times of uncertainty, staying true to our faith and meditating on God's word can help us navigate through the silence with trust and integrity.
Recorded May 26th, 2024Scripture: Exodus 32: 1-7, Exodus 32: 19-29Message by Pastor Tim Ward

Sunday May 19, 2024

In the scriptures, Moses' powerful intercession before God illustrates the profound impact of sincere prayer. Despite the Israelites' rebellion and worship of the golden calf, Moses' heartfelt pleas moved God to show mercy and refrain from destroying His people. This account reminds us that prayer is a powerful tool; when we earnestly seek God's intervention, He listens. Just as Moses' prayers altered the course of history, our prayers can bring about divine grace and change, demonstrating that God's compassion and patience are always within reach through earnest supplication.

The Value of a Woman

Sunday May 12, 2024

Sunday May 12, 2024

Exploring women's evolving roles in society and church leadership, we celebrate their diverse contributions and impact on families and communities.
Every morning, as the world wakes, I remember my mother standing by the window, coffee in hand, watching the early hustle with an unspoken love for the new day. She always started before everyone else, her energy the spark that ignited our mornings. As I've grown and moved away, those quiet moments resonate more deeply.
Her dedication wasn't confined to our home; it extended into her career and community. She was an adept professional, balancing demanding roles with the finesse that others admired. At work, her colleagues revered her for her sharp insight and unwavering ethic, often leading projects that would benefit not just the company but the community it served.
At home, she was our chief problem solver and peacemaker. Her strategies for managing our household were crafted with a precision that seemed almost effortless. Despite her busy schedule, she always found time to ensure we were cared for, often putting our needs ahead of her own without a second thought.
Her influence reached beyond our immediate family. She was a mentor in neighborhood networks, organizing events that brought people together, fostering a sense of community and support. Her ability to connect with people, to offer advice, and to listen—truly listen—made her a cornerstone in the lives of many.
Now, as I navigate my own challenges and triumphs, I find myself echoing her teachings and her methods. Her strength and grace have become a guiding force, a measure of the kind of person I aspire to be. As Mother's Day nears, I am filled with gratitude for all the visible victories and silent sacrifices that shaped such an incredible legacy. My mother, with all her quiet dignity and fierce resolve, has given me more than just a model of virtues to aspire to—she has given me a foundation of love and respect that defines every part of my life.
Recorded May 12th, 2024Message by Pastor Tim WardScripture Reading: Proverbs 31:10-31, Romans 16:1-16

Sunday May 05, 2024

This week, we’re excited to host the Lorenz family and hear their mission update.Recorded: May 5th, 2024Message by Rev. Glenn Lorenz & Wendy Lorenz

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

The story of Chicken Little highlights the importance of our responses in tough times. Her panicked reaction to an acorn sparks fear and misinformation among her friends, leading to vulnerability to Foxy Loxy's deception. 
This tale teaches us to avoid impulsive decisions and emotional reactions during crises, instead urging us to trust in the Lord's guidance. Drawing wisdom from Psalms 37 and James 1, we learn to face challenges with faith and patience, finding solace in God's promises.
As we reflect on this lesson, we are encouraged to approach challenges with joy and perseverance, seeking divine wisdom with unwavering faith. Let's remember to reject fear-driven responses, embrace unwavering faith, and rely on God's steady provision through life's storms.
Recorded April 28th, 2024Message by Jo Ann KrulatzScripture Reading: Psalm 37:1-11, James 1:2-8

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

In a time when divine presence touched the earth directly, two men, Bezalel and Oholiab, are chosen by God to construct the sacred sanctuary. Endowed with skills and abilities far beyond the ordinary, bestowed upon them by God Himself, they create with divine inspiration guiding their hands.
But their inspired labor is only half the story; the narrative deepens with the institution of the Sabbath—a holy day of rest provided by God, echoing His own rest after the creation of the world. This weekly pause is not only a time for physical rest but also a spiritual renewal, a reminder of the source of their skill and a testament to the balance God intends for all creation. 
Recorded April 21st, 2024Message by Pastor Tim WardScripture: Exodus 31:1-17

Sunday Apr 14, 2024

Why was Christ resurrected? What does His resurrection mean for us today? How does His victory over death inspire our daily lives and faith?  Join us as Jo Ann Krulatz explores this crucial event.Recorded April 14th, 2024Message by Jo Ann KrulatzScripture: Matthew 28:1-8

Risen, But Not Recognized

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

"On the road to Emmaus, just days after the tomb was found empty, my heart was heavy with sorrow. The sun set on the hopes we had placed in the man we thought would redeem Israel. My companion and I shared our despair, recounting the events that had led to our Master's crucifixion, when a stranger joined our journey. His presence was comforting, yet curious, as He seemed unaware of the events that had shaken Jerusalem to its core.
As we walked, the stranger spoke with authority, opening the scriptures to us in ways we had never understood. Our hearts burned within us as He explained the prophecies our Master had fulfilled. Yet, it wasn’t until we sat down to break bread together that our eyes were opened, and we recognized Him. The Risen One, alive, sitting at our table! In that moment of revelation, He vanished from our sight, leaving us in awe."Recorded April 7th, 2024Message by Pastor Tim WardScripture: Luke 24:13-32

Going Away Empty-Hearted

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

In the quiet of dawn, a discovery at an empty tomb sets in motion a realization, where grief and confusion give way to hope as Mary Magdalene’s sorrow at the tomb of Jesus is met with the astonishing truth of His resurrection. It challenges the faithful to look beyond their expectations and find the risen Christ in places they least expect. 
This Easter, embrace the message of renewal and the promise of forgiveness and everlasting love. This is the Good News that turns an empty heart into a sanctuary of hope.
Recorded March 31st, 2024Message by Pastor Tim WardScripture: John 20: 1-18


Richland Center Free Methodist Church

Here at RCFMC, you will find a caring and loving group of people who are dedicated to God and to helping you grow in your walk with Jesus!  

Join us every Sunday morning for our in person worship service at 10:30 am.  We feature contemporary worship music, a great Kids Time, and dynamic and relevant preaching that will speak God’s Truth into your life. 

You can also view our service live on YouTube!

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